Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Peral

I am going to Qatar next week to attend a conference. In doing some research on Qatar I came across this project called the Pearl-Qatar. Talk about the rich and they think they are famous crowd. A short summary from their web page which you can visit by clicking on the title to this blog entry. I've been to Qatar before so my goal is to learn something new about the country. Which I did via the wonders of Google.

Riviera Arabia
The atmosphere of the Riviera within the warm waters of the Arabian Gulf. A rediscovered island off the coast of one of the world's most rapidly expanding economies. An investment in a place of outstanding beauty and cosmopolitan charm. This is The Pearl-Qatar, an island, which will redefine an entire nation; a destination of qualities that are unique in the region.

The Pearl-Qatar will be talked about around the world. It is founded on a determination to position Qatar as a place of superlatives - a country that welcomes guests with openness and friendship and encourages investment for all in a location of incredible potential.

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